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5 Reasons Why You’re Bad At Drawing (And What To Do About It)
Nothing's quite as disheartening and frustrating as that feeling of not seeing improvement in your drawing skills. You've invested countless hours and made numerous attempts, yet your drawings still...
I totally understand that sinking feeling when you've poured so much time and effort into your drawing skills, and it seems like you're actually regressing. Trust me, I've been there too, and it's...
I totally understand where you're coming from! I've been in the same boat, spending hours on drawings only to find them looking stiff and dull—more times than I can count. I've been into drawing...
So you love drawing so much you want to make it a habit. I feel the same, and I spent a great deal of time researching how to do it and succeed at it. After all that research, I decided to share my...
We have all heard that getting better at anything in life requires discipline, consistency, determination, tenacity, and other superb words. And when we hear that, we immediately think we should be...
At a point in our artistic journey, we start to take drawing more seriously. We realize we love to draw! And we want to get better at it, so we ask ourselves: how much should I draw every day? As...